Carbon Neutrality

In the face of the global climate crisis, it is imperative for organisations to understand and mitigate their carbon footprints and operate in a carbon neutral fashion.  XTCC as part of its commitment to the net zero world monitors, reports and offsets carbon emissions for business where its impact is greatest;  flights and hotels.


Total carbon emissions from flights

(CO₂) (KG)


Total carbon emissions 

(CO₂) (KG)


Total carbon emissions from hotel stays

(CO₂) (KG)


Credits retired


XTCC is committed to accurately account for the carbon emissions from flights and uses the Emission Calculator provided by the Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) which is the current industry standard.

Since December 1st, XTCC's team has flown 38 flights to 13 countries.


To calculate the carbon footprint on the hotel stays XTCC employs two industry-standard methodologies:

The Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative (HCMI) calculates carbon emissions (CO₂) based on the number of rooms, the number of nights and the specific emission factor per room per night.

The International Tourism Partnership (ITP) and Greenview’s Hotel Footprinting Tool provides a comprehensive calculation of hotel carbon footprints per night based on emissions specific to each country.

57 nights and counting.

The approach to offsetting carbon emissions is rooted in the use of high-integrity carbon credits. These credits are meticulously sourced from projects that have undergone rigorous verification processes.

Adherence to the stringent principles that define high-integrity carbon credits ensures the credibility and effectiveness of operating the business in a carbon neutral manner.

XTCC's commitment to monitoring and offsetting carbon emissions is a testament to our dedication to sustainability. Through wide geographic coverage and adherence to industry-standard methodologies, XTCC aims to make a significant contribution to the global fight against climate change.

Transforming the Economics of Doing the Right Thing.

Offsetting Emissions